Label: Propaganda
Origin: Mykolaiv, Ukraine
“Art is the only reason to live,” the mantra of Eastern European-based label Propaganda, seems tame in comparison to the core message of mysterious black metal entity Lucifugum. On recent full-length Anaphora Lithu Actinism, dual-dealing demonic entities Khlyst and Stabaath deliver bleak incantation and even bleaker intonation – stirring The Dark Lord from His slumber.

Opening track “Парад пепла (The Parade of Ashes)” is an overdriven chant of unmistakable evil; accessible black metal this is not. Throat-ripping vocals maintain funeral dirge cadence, refusing to be interrupted by loamy riffs that keep time with shovelfuls of top soil hitting the coffin. Delirious blackened leads spirit second track “Эклиптика отделения (Ecliptic Separation)” out of the shadows, and nudge the pace of the record into mid-tempo ecstasy. Axe-slinger Stabaath sutures sludge-soaked strings and ungodly licks through this body of work with the precision and patience of a master seamstress. Harsh and powerful vocals blend seamlessly with each track’s reanimation, coercing forces of evil into the musical domain.
Standout track “Акростихия (Acrostic)” weaves minor chords in and out of percussive breaks and tempo variations with the complexity and speed of a bacterial army overtaking a decaying corpse. Thunderous, bone-shattering snare and fluid, coagulating growls eclipse the light of life throughout the five minute track, and effortlessly guide the listener to the artfully macabre second half of Anaphora Lithu Actinism.

Penultimate track “Иконотопье (Iconotopia)” is a discordant sonic wall of rot. While other tracks have audible breaks near their nascence, this one is an unambiguous salute to uncongenial listening. Black metal at its foundation was designed (read: not designed) to be abrasive, unpolished, shocking, and brutal. Over the years, various groups have taken creative liberties with the musical qualities of the genre, especially within the realm of symphonic black metal and melodic black/death metal, but have gone to great lengths to preserve the culture of the art of black metal. Throughout this record, and most exhibited on this song and the album opener, Lucifugum show that they are true to their roots: these tracks are callously inaccessible and mercilessly raw.
Final track “Кенотаф разума (Cenotaph of Reason)” melds elaborate shrieks and corroded licks on a palette of molding blackened chaos. Clean, Behemoth-style chants briefly slice through, clarifying the consistency of the primarily guttural delivery. Brilliant guitar-work siphons red-hot blood through choked arteries, while drawn-out growls breathe wicked life into the spiritless cadaver: Satan is born again.
Lucifugum makes no bones about their diabolical commitment to the authenticity, the mystery, and the culture of the black arts. Whereas contemporary releases occasionally rise to this level in terms of musical content, or albums feebly attempt to demonstrate their bands’ blackened lifestyles and dedication to the roots of black metal, Anaphora Lithu Actinism is a rare example of a piece of art that successfully does both.
FFO: Watain, Thorns, Archgoat, Sargeist