Demo III by Wampyric Rites

Label: Death Kvlt Productions
Origin: Ecuador

There are two schools of thought concerning the proper evolution and rightful state of black metal in 2020. One of these encourages progressive movement: abandoning demonic themes and the occult to embrace modern production values and new musical elements. For many of the artists who choose this path, their latest works sound nothing like their previous releases; indeed, some of them have evolved beyond the classical confines of the genre, like Enslaved. The other school of thought is simpler: black metal is nothing without low fidelity, blast beats, piercing shrieks, and Satan, ala Dark Funeral. The world of Wampyric Rites is rife with the second school of thought, but Satan takes a backseat to Dracula. These Ecuadorians have plunged the stake of evil raw black metal straight through the heart of the progressive movement.

Demo III is the latest entry in a lengthy list of demos and EPs released over two short years by Wampyric Rites. Clocking in at just over 20 minutes, this four track release maintains a certain mystique while blazing through some of the rawest and most chaotic material imaginable. The shorter tracks are instrumental pieces designed to mesmerize the desolate kingdom of the vampires with haunting melodies and falsely calming synthesizers before the lengthier tracks unleash the beasts for a feast of black metal death.

Track one, “The Desolate Crypt of Carmilla” is a three minute soundscape of continuous pipe organ, the enchanting spell broken only with a brief lapse into terrifying minor keys that forebode impending doom, as Carmilla, the enigmatic female vampire, betrays the trust of those around her in a secretive vengeful quest. As depicted in Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla in 1872, Carmilla is subsequently exhumed and killed in a particularly gruesome finale. Her blood-soaked body releases a chalkboard-scratching shriek upon impalement, mirroring Strigoi’s blistering growl which opens the second track, “Dark Kingdom of the Vampires.”

“Dark Kingdom of the Vampires” exemplifies Wampyric Rites’ musicality, which remains true to the legendary origins of black metal. Drum tones nod in respect to early Mayhem EP, Deathcrush, in which every decisive fill leads to another crushing passage of evil. Layered riffs pummel the track with impossibly fast picking, slithering up and down the musical scales with precision and ease. Even in moments of respite, delicately placed acoustic notes resonate with Somberlain-era Dissection, but are elevated further with a subtle background of synth. These brief passages stand out in contrast the chaotic carnage spewed across much of the album, making every bloody riff even eviler. Throughout all of this, otherworldly vocals possess each track, as if a demonic syringe is pumping venom into the vein of the dark kingdom. “Dark Kingdom of Vampires” comes full circle at the final minute: riffs resurrect, this time layered with a woodwind, as blood trickles into the foundational cracks of the overrun ancient villages of yore.

Full Moon of the Wolf (16:06-23:07)

Set up by woodwinds and acoustic melodies fit for Ennio Morricone’s soundtrack on The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – standout track four “Full Moon of the Wolf” oozes, then explodes, into existence with attitude. Slow, churning riffage is uprooted by a violent shriek of desperation, coupled with blast-beating faster than the pulsating heart of a petrified victim. Eventually, the guitarwork betrays the blast-beats in an epic turn of events: creepy bloody power chords of evil drip from the speakers as if from the fangs of the wolf. The organ from the first track rises again and carries the melody into the dark clutches of the vampire’s empire.

Wampyric Rites has forged fascinating, unique black metal whilst retaining as many of the traditional styles as possible. Demo III withstands the test of legitimacy: it could easily be confused with a move from early-Ulver‘s or early-Burzum‘s playbook. This demo, however, elevates itself by employing the master strategy of replacing the archetypical Satan with the penumbral Vampire. As demons and despair perpetually spar for space within the extreme metal world, Wampyric Rites are gnawing their way through the walls of convention and staking a claim in the catacombs of nihilistic legend.

FFO: Early-Ulver, Early-Burzum, Gorgoroth, Mayhem